There is hereby created and established a library board which shall have the control and management of the free public library of the City of Austin. Said board shall consist of nine persons, each of whom shall be a citizen and qualified voter of said city and who shall be appointed by the mayor of said city, by and with the consent of the city council as follows, and who shall serve without compensation. There shall be appointed three of said board annually for a term of three years each, and each member of said board shall continue to act until his or her successor is appointed and qualified.
All vacancies by resignation or otherwise shall be filled by the mayor, by and with the consent of the city council, for the unexpired time of the member of said board whose office becomes vacant.
Said library board shall annually elect a president and secretary from among their number and may make such bylaws as they may deem expedient for their government not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter.
A majority of said board shall constitute a quorum, and all contracts, engagements, acts, and doings of said board within the scope of their duty and authority, shall be obligatory upon and in law binding as if done by the city council of said city. Each member of the board shall, before entering upon the discharge of his or her duties, file an oath of office with the city recorder of said city.
The compensation of all employees of said library board who may be entitled to compensation shall be such as may be fixed from time to time by the city council of the City of Austin.
All actions taken by the Library Board pursuant to this Chapter 12 shall be subject to Section 14.06 of the City Charter.