Subd. 1.   If the Chief of Police or his or her designee has reason to believe that a nuisance has occurred, or is maintained or permitted in a building, or on a property, and intends to seek reimbursement for police services rendered in the future in connection with such nuisance or activities creating a nuisance, he or she shall provide a written notice as required in this section to the owner and each interested party known to him or her.
   Subd. 2.   The written notice shall:
      A.   State that a nuisance as defined in this chapter has occurred, or is maintained or permitted in the building, and specify the kind or kinds of nuisance which has occurred, or is being maintained or permitted;
      B.   Summarize the evidence that a nuisance has occurred, or is maintained or permitted in the building, including the date or dates on which nuisance-related activities have occurred or were maintained or permitted, provided, however, that one or more police reports can be used to satisfy this requirement; and
      C.   Inform the recipient of the notice that (i) he or she has 30 days to abate the conduct constituting the nuisance, and to take steps to make sure that actions constituting a nuisance will not re-occur, (ii) if, after 30 days from the date of service of the notice, the nuisance re-occurs, or actions or conduct constituting a nuisance take place, the city may in its discretion impose the costs of police services in abating or attempting to abate such nuisance or nuisance-related activities, and (iii) the costs will be collected by assessment against the building as defined.
   Subd. 3.   The written notice shall be served by personal service, or by first class mail on the owner and all interested parties known to the Chief or his or her designee, at the last known address for each such person or persons.
(Ord. 504, passed 2-14-04)