Subd. 1. Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
A. TRUCK. Any vehicle designed or operated for the transportation of property and whose total weight, loaded or unloaded, exceeds 8,000 pounds.
B. TRUCK ROUTE. Any street, as designated in this section, over and along which trucks must operate.
Subd. 2. Travel restricted. All trucks operating within the city shall be operated only over and along the truck routes established in this section, except that this section shall not prohibit:
A. The operation of trucks upon any street where necessary to the conduct of business at a destination point; provided, that streets upon which such traffic is permitted are used until reaching the intersection nearest the destination point;
B. The operation of emergency vehicles upon any street;
C. The operation of trucks owned or operated by the city, public utilities, any contractor or material man, while engaged in the repair, maintenance or construction of streets, street improvements or street utilities within the city;
D. The operation of trucks upon any officially established detour in any case where the truck could be lawfully operated on the street for which the detour is established; and
E. The operation of trucks on any street or route approved by the Chief of Police used only for the purpose of training truck drivers; provided the training person or school notify the Chief of Police in writing of its intention to conduct driver’s training over the designated routes furnished to the Police Department the name of the training person or organization, its address and telephone number and other information as may be required by the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police may, and at the direction of the Council, shall change designated routes from time to time as may be necessary for proper traffic regulation and public safety.
(Ord. 291, Second Series, passed 5-3-93)
Subd. 3. Truck routes established. The following streets for truck routes are hereby established:
A. 11th Drive N.E., from 8th Avenue N.E. to Interstate Number 90;
B. 11th Street N.E., from Trunk Highway 116 to 8th Avenue N.E.;
C. 14th Street N.W., from Oakland Avenue West north to Interstate Number 90;
D. 10th Drive S.E., from Trunk Highway 116 south to the city limits;
E. 1st Avenue S.W. and S.E., from 12th Street S.W. to 1st Street S.E.;
F. 1st Street S.E., from 1st Avenue S.E. to Oakland Avenue East;
G. Oakland Avenue West and East from 12th Street S.W. to 4th Street S.E.;
H. Oakland Place S.E. and N.E., from 4th Street S.E. East to Interstate No. 90; and
I. United States and state trunk highways.
Subd. 4. Maps; signs; weighing of vehicle; liability of vehicle owner.
A. The City Recorder shall keep and maintain accurate maps setting out the truck routes or streets upon which truck traffic is permitted and the maps shall be available to the public.
B. The Police Department of the city shall cause all truck routes and streets upon which truck traffic is permitted to be clearly sign-posted.
C. Any police officer shall have the authority to require any person driving or in control of any truck not proceeding over a truck route or street upon which truck traffic is permitted to proceed to any public or private scale available for the purpose of weighing and determining whether this section has been complied with.
D. In addition to the driver or operator, the owner of any truck being operated with his or her permission and consent shall be liable for any violation of the provisions of this section.
(`80 Code, § 8.01) Penalty, see § 1.99