For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   Subd. 1.   APPLICANT. Any person making an application for a license under this chapter.
   Subd. 2.   APPLICATION. A form with blanks or spaces thereon, to be filled in and completed by the applicant as his or her request for a license, furnished by the city and uniformly required as a prerequisite to the consideration of the issuance of a license for a business.
   Subd. 3.   BOND. A corporate surety document in the form and with the provisions acceptable and specifically approved by the City Attorney.
   Subd. 4.   BUSINESS. Any activity, occupation, sale of goods or services or transaction that is either licensed or regulated, or both licensed and regulated, by the terms and conditions of this chapter.
   Subd. 5.   LICENSE. A document issued by the city to an applicant permitting him or her to carry on and transact a business.
   Subd. 6.   LICENSEE. An applicant who, pursuant to his or her application, holds a valid, current, unexpired and unrevoked license from the city for carrying on a business.
   Subd. 7.   LICENSE FEE. The money paid to the city pursuant to an application and prior to issuance of a license to transact and carry on a business.
   Subd. 8.   SALE, SELL and SOLD. All forms of barter and all manner or means of furnishing merchandise to persons.
(`80 Code, § 6.01)