Subd. 1.   Pursuant to the provisions of M.S. § 203B.13, as it may be amended from time to time, the Council hereby authorizes absentee ballot counting boards, as described in M.S. § 203B.13, as it may be amended from time to time, to be established and used at any election where the Council deems their use appropriate.
   Subd. 2.   When the Council determines that the use of an Absentee Ballot Counting Board is in the best interest of the city, it shall authorize the establishment of the Absentee Ballot Counting Board by resolution for use in the elections designated in the resolution.
   Subd. 3.   In counting absentee ballots and performing all other duties, Absentee Ballot Counting Boards shall adhere to all applicable sections of Minnesota Statutes and any rules promulgated by the Secretary of State relating to its duties. The City Recorder is hereby directed and authorized to establish any further procedures and rules, consistent with Minnesota Statutes and rules promulgated by the Secretary of State, necessary to insure that the Absentee Ballot Counting Board functions properly.
(`80 Code, § 2.57) (Ord. 209, Second Series, passed 4-30-90)