(a)   General Misdemeanor Classifications. Whoever violates any provision of this Traffic Code for which violation no penalty is otherwise provided, is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(ORC 4513.99)
   (b)   Penalties. Whoever is convicted of or pleads guilty to a violation of this Traffic Code shall be imprisoned for a definite term or fined, or both, which term of imprisonment and fine shall be fixed by the court as provided in this section.
Classification of Misdemeanor
Maximum Term of Imprisonment

Maximum Fine
First degree
180 days
Second degree
90 days
Third degree
60 days
Fourth degree
30 days
No imprisonment
(ORC 2929.24; 2929.28)
   (c)   Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) hereof, whoever violates any provision of this Traffic Code, upon executing before and filing with the Court an instrument waiving the formal issuance of an affidavit and warrant together with the reading of such affidavit and the right to be present personally at the trial of such action, and further waiving the right of appeal and error and authorizing a plea of guilty to be entered and the defendant submitted to the mercy of the court, may be fined such sum as may be fixed by the Judge, not exceeding the maximum amount prescribed by subsection (b) hereof, unless in the opinion of the Chief of Police or the Judge, such violation is of such nature that the facts should be presented to the Court for consideration and sentence, in which event such waiver shall not be accepted.