The Mayor shall be the chief executive, operating, and administrative officer of the City. The Mayor shall administer all the affairs of the City and the conduct and administration of all City departments and divisions except Council. All department and division heads and assistants are to be appointed, promoted, transferred, terminated and otherwise disciplined upon the Mayor's determination, all subject to the requirements of this Charter.
The Mayor shall be the chief conservator of the peace within the City and shall see that all Ohio laws and City ordinances and resolutions are enforced.
The Mayor shall execute on behalf of the City all contracts, conveyances, evidences of indebtedness, and any other instruments to which the City is a party, except as otherwise required or provided by this Charter or Ohio law.
The Mayor, with the assistance of the Finance Director and the President of the City Council, shall submit an ordinance containing the annual budget and appropriation (a preliminary financial plan for the next fiscal year) to Council for its consideration and approval, no later than the last regular Council meeting in December. The proposed ordinance shall include detailed income and expense statements and shall be accompanied by the Mayor's written comments and by a history of income and expenditures for the two prior years as well as the current year forecast, the proposed budget and a general forecast for the next succeeding four years. Significant changes in projected income and expenses shall be accompanied by written comment. Council may request additional information.
The Mayor shall recommend to Council for adoption such measures as the Mayor may deem necessary or expedient and shall keep the Council advised of the condition, both financial and otherwise, and needs of the City.
Subject to the other provisions of this Charter, the Mayor shall appoint, promote, discipline, transfer, remove, and reduce employees except those who are employees of Council. The Mayor shall also recommend to Council for its consideration and approval appropriate levels and subsequent adjustments of salary ranges and compensation of all City positions and employees, and shall implement all employee salaries approved by Council as part of the annual budget appropriation for that year or otherwise, and will notify Council when any approved salary increases are given.
(Amended 5-3-05; 11-5-24)