161.14 HOLIDAYS.
(a) Employees who work a normal average forty (40) hour work week whose salary or wage is paid by the City of Aurora, shall be paid for the holidays declared in this section and shall not be required to work on such holiday unless, in the opinion of the employee's Department Director, failure to work on such holiday would impair the public service. Such holidays shall be the following:
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Good Friday
Memorial Day Observed
Fourth of July Observed
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve Observed
Christmas Day Observed
New Year’s Eve
2 Personal Holidays
(Ord. 2022-149. Passed 9-26-22.)
(b) Newly hired non-union employees will be eligible for personal days, during their first year of employment, based upon the hire date, and such may be used in 2-hour increments. Personal days will be given on hire dates as follows:
• Hire date during 1st quarter- receives 2 personal days (16 hours)
• Hire date during 2nd quarter - receives 1.5 personal days (12 hours)
• Hire date during 3rd quarter - receives 1 personal day (8 hours)
• Hire date during 4th quarter - receives .50 personal day (4 hours)
(c) At the beginning of the following year, and each year thereafter, all employees, will be eligible to take two (2) personal holidays.
(d) The Mayor shall determine when the holidays shall be given. Said determination will take into consideration when such holidays fall so that a longer weekend may be had.
(e) An employee must work the scheduled day before and the scheduled day after a holiday to receive compensation for said holiday. Exceptions will be given for scheduled vacations, personal holidays or sickness verified by a medical doctor's certificate.
(f) If any forty (40) hour average work week employee's work schedule is other than Monday through Friday, he/she shall be entitled to holiday benefits regardless of the day of the week in which holidays are observed, and he/she may elect to take another day off if the work schedule of his/her Department allows, or be paid eight (8) hours' regular pay. Any exceptions to this rule will require the written approval of the Mayor.
(g) When a forty (40) hour average work week employee is required by his/her Department Director to work on the day observed as a holiday, he/she shall be compensated at one and one-half times the regular rate of compensation for a minimum of two (2) hours.
(h) Part-time employees who work a holiday which is paid at an overtime rate for full-time employees shall receive holiday pay for all hours worked at one and one-half times their hourly rate. (Ord. 2019-085. Passed 6-24-19.)