(a)   All full-time employees of the City of Aurora working a normal forty (40) hour average work week, not employed by separate contract, ordinance or resolution, and unless otherwise agreed to, are granted a vacation with pay based on the number of years employed by the time of the employee’s anniversary, upon the following schedule:
0 - 1 Year
0 Hours
1 - 3 Years
80 Hours
4 Years
88 Hours
5 Years
96 Hours
6 Years
104 Hours
7 Years
112 Hours
8 Years
120 Hours
9 Years
128 Hours
10 Years
136 Hours
11 Years
144 Hours
12 Years
152 Hours
13 - 19 Years
160 Hours
20 Years and Thereafter
200 Hours
   (b)   Each employee will accrue the number of hours shown in the above schedule as of his/her anniversary date during the current year. New employees who reach their first year anniversary with the City shall receive allotted vacation time on that day and will have until December of the following year to use the allotted vacation time. Additionally, the City will calculate accrued hours in January following employee’s first anniversary that will also need to be used by December 31, of the same year.
   (c)   Compensation during the vacation periods herein granted shall be as follows:
      (1)   Employees on a normal forty (40) hour average work week who are paid on a salary basis shall have vacation pay calculated by dividing the annual salary by 2080 and then multiplying by the number of hours to be taken.
      (2)   Employees paid on an hourly basis shall have vacation pay calculated by multiplying the current hourly rate by the number of hours which the employee is entitled.
      (3)   In no event shall more than two (2) consecutive weeks of vacation be taken at one time by employees on a normal forty (40) hour average work week. At least thirty (30) days’ notification shall be given in advance of the first anticipated day of vacation to the Department Director or Mayor so that the services of the Department shall not be unduly impaired.
      (4)   All vacation must be used during the calendar year or it will be forfeited unless the Mayor allows carryover for extenuating circumstances.
   (d)   Discharge of Employees. Any employee whose employment with the City is severed by reason of discharge or who leaves of his/her own accord, shall be paid for unused vacation time.
   (e)   Death of the Employee. In the event of an employee’s death, the City is authorized to pay unused vacation hours to the estate or beneficiary of the employee as specified by IRS regulations.
   (f)    Public Service Carryover. For the purpose of determining the amount of available vacation days, an employee who has been separated from public service shall, upon such employee's re-employment, be credited with previous public service time earned, provided that such re-employment takes place within ten (10) years of the date on which the employee last separated from public service. Said vacation may be used during the first year of employment. Public service shall be defined as a participant in a State of Ohio public pension and/or Ohio Police and Fire Pension Fund during the time of service.
   (g)    Separation Within First Year. If an employee separates employment with the city within the first calendar year of employment the employee shall forfeit any remaining
unpaid vacation time. (Ord. 2019-085. Passed 6-24-19.)