(a)   The overall objectives of this chapter are intended to result in:
      (1)    Designs in residential and commercial areas that reflect the City's development and planning policies as set forth in this code and that are consistent with the Master Plan.
      (2)    Designs that are intended to encourage flexibility, innovation, and creativity in site and development design by allowing the mixing of permitted uses and/or modification or variation from otherwise applicable zone district and development standards.
      (3)   Designs which encourage a mix of retail, service, office, housing, live- work units, entertainment and public activities to coexist in a manner that reflects human scale and emphasizes pedestrian orientation, taking advantage of the vitality that mixed uses can bring to the community.
      (4)    Designs which provide substantial buffers and transitions between areas of different land uses and development densities.
      (5)    Designs which enhance the appearance of neighborhoods by conserving areas of natural beauty and natural green spaces.
      (6)   Designs which provide a choice in the type of environment available to the public by allowing development that would not be possible under the strict application of other sections of this code.
      (7)    Development and/or permanent preservation of open space, and recreational areas and facilities.
      (8)    A creative approach to the use of land and related physical facilities that result in better urban design, higher quality construction and the provision of aesthetic amenities.
      (9)    The efficient use of land, so as to promote certain economies in the provision of utilities, streets, schools, public grounds and buildings, and other facilities.
      (10)    Promotion of an efficient and expedient development and approval process to effectively reduce the time for delivery of projects within the District
   (b)   All mixed use developments shall be designed and developed to provide an appropriate inter relationship between the various uses and structures within the development. Residential / commercial uses may be located within the same or adjoining structures, provided appropriate health and safety regulations are followed, and:
      (1)   No land or structure shall be used or occupied so as to create any nuisance or hazard involving fire, explosion, noise, vermin, brilliant light, vibration, smoke, dust, fumes, odor, heat, cold, disease, dampness, electrical or electronic disturbance, radiation and/or toxic agents.
      (2)   When residences exist or are permitted within the District, particular care shall be taken in the design of the development to Insure residents shall not be disturbed by excessive noise, light, vibration, or other annoyances.
         (Ord. 2014-144. Passed 12-1-14.)