(a)    New and Tenant-Finish FSE's shall be required to submit three copies of facility site plans, floor plans, mechanical and plumbing plans, and details to show all sewer locations and connections, FOG control device, grease interceptor or other pretreatment equipment and appurtenances by size, location, and elevation for evaluation. The submittal shall be to the City of Aurora's Engineering Department and Planning, Zoning and Building Division, in a form and content acceptable to the City for expeditious review prior to construction. The review of the plans and procedures shall in no way relieve the Food Service Establishments of the responsibility of modifying the facilities or procedures in the future, as necessary to produce an acceptable discharge, and to meet the requirements of this Chapter or any requirements of other Regulatory Agencies. The City of Aurora's Engineering Department will confer with the City of Aurora Planning, Zoning and Building Division to determine the adequacy of the proposed FOG control mechanism(s), and may require changes to the plans when needed.
   (b)   The City may require the drawings be prepared by an Ohio Registered Mechanical or Plumbing Engineer. (Ord. 2010-184. Passed 2-14-11.)