The following site development standards shall apply to all uses and construction approved in a site plan. The site plan shall also comply with all other regulations and standards established by these Regulations, the Zoning Code, and all other applicable ordinances and laws.
   (a)   Site Layout.
      (1)   Relationship to Surrounds. Structures and uses shall be located and designed in a manner which reduces or eliminates negative impacts on existing or planned uses of abutting sites.
      (2)   Yards and Setbacks. Yards, setback areas, and other unenclosed areas of a site shall be constructed and maintained as part of a comprehensive design which contributes to effective use of the site and to the function and quality appearance of the district in which it is located.
      (3)   Undeveloped Areas.  
         A.   Undeveloped areas reserved for future development shall have locations and configurations which ensure their developability in compliance with these Regulations and the Zoning Code in terms of future use, vehicular and pedestrian circulation, access to utilities, potential for compatibility with the initial phases of development of the site and surrounds, and other characteristics.
         B.   Undeveloped areas shall be graded and landscaped for routine maintenance or maintained in a natural state as approved by the Commission.
         C.   The Planning Commission may require the applicant to submit drawings which evidence the feasibility for development of undeveloped area(s) in compliance with these Regulations and the Zoning Code.
   (b)   Circulation.
      (1)   Site Limitations and Site Layout. Uses, buildings, parking areas, drives, and other site features shall be designed to be suitable for the site location and conditions and shall not create on-site or off-site traffic impacts which exceed those normally expected to be caused by uses in the district.
      (2)   Road Access. Curb cuts and drives providing access between a site and a public or private road shall be designed to:
         A.   Minimize unnecessary impacts on the road including but not limited to poor visibility, steep grades, slowing or obstruction of traffic, causing unusual, confusing or sudden traffic movements, or unnecessary points of conflict with vehicles on the road and with vehicles in nearby access drives.
         B.   Minimize negative impacts on pedestrians by providing good visibility between pedestrians and vehicles and by providing safe pedestrian walking and standing areas.
         C.   Create points of access appropriate for the configuration of the property and the proposed use, but in no greater number than necessary to provide reasonable access to the site.
         D.   Provide sufficient distance between the road and potential points of vehicular or pedestrian conflict within the site (including but not limited to cars backing into travel lanes, driveway or parking aisle intersections, pedestrian crossings, loading areas) to prevent obstruction of drives and traffic backups in the road.
         E.   Prohibit or minimize curb cuts which direct traffic from a non- residential use onto a road (such as a local road) which is primarily developed or planned for residential uses.
         F.   Provides a landscaped median where a curb cut is designed to accommodate more than three lanes of traffic, provided that priority shall be given to proper alignment and sight lines coordinated with other drives in the area.
         G.   Reconstructs or eliminates existing nonconforming accesses such as oversized curb cuts or parking lots which cause obstruction of traffic, to comply with the provisions of this code.
      (3)   Cross-Access with Abutting Sites. Where physically feasible and appropriate for reducing points of conflict in the public road, and in the interest of encouraging integrated design of drives and parking on abutting properties, property owners requesting approval for more than one access drive on a public road frontage shall, as directed by the Planning Commission or the Planning and Zoning Director, make a written request for joint access drives to the owners of the abutting properties having frontage on the same road. The applicant shall provide to the City a copy of the request and any response.
      (4)   Pedestrian Facilities. All site elements shall be located and designed in a manner which promotes safe and efficient movement of pedestrians to, from, and within the site. Pedestrian facilities and site elements which affect pedestrian movement shall comply with the following guidelines:
         A.   Pedestrian facilities, and parking lots and other areas which will be utilized by pedestrians, shall be designed to facilitate pedestrian use, with special attention given to use by persons with mobility limitations and by persons transporting children or packages between vehicles and buildings. Where main pedestrian routes are designed with steps or steep grades, alternative routes shall be provided to comply with handicapped accessibility standards.
         B.   In residential and commercial areas, at least one sidewalk shall be provided in a direct and clear route from the public right-of-way to the main entrance of the building or use, whether or not a public sidewalk has been constructed in the public right-of-way.
         C.   In the interest of promoting efficient and safe pedestrian movement within the district, where physically possible and appropriate to the nature of the abutting uses, on-site sidewalks shall be aligned to connect with similar sidewalks on abutting sites.
         D.   Signs, pavement markings, and/or special surface materials shall be installed in any location on a site where necessary to promote pedestrian safety at crossings of vehicular drives. Pedestrian crossings of major drives shall be located and marked in a manner to encourage safe crossing.
         E.   Bike storage racks and other bike-friendly facilities shall be required where a site abuts or is in proximity to a bike route.
      (5)   Parking Facilities.  
         A.   Parking facilities shall be designed for storage of customer and employee vehicles in a manner suited to the nature of the use and its vehicular impacts, including the number and frequency of visits, length of visits, and vehicles types.
         B.   Parking facilities shall be designed with adequate locations for storage of plowed snow.
         C.   Parking facilities shall be designed to facilitate cleaning of pavement and to minimize locations where litter and other waste collects.
         D.   Parking facilities shall be designed to comply with all specific standards and guidelines of these Regulations and the requirements of the Zoning code, but applicants shall seek to minimize the amount of pavement required to comply and no provision of these Regulations or of the Zoning Code shall be interpreted to require the construction of paved areas not deemed necessary by the Planning Commission for the functioning of the use and its parking facility.
         E.   In commercial areas, parking facilities shall be equipped with waste containers sufficient in location, type, and volume for customer use.
         F.   Additional parking spaces shall be required for company vehicles and equipment. Parking facilities required for customer and employee parking shall not be used for storage of company vehicles and equipment unless:
            1.   the applicant can demonstrate that the storage will only occur during non-peak hours for customer demand;
            2.   the vehicles are stored in an area which is appropriately screened from the public road; and
            3.   the storage area is approved by the Planning Commission on the site plan.
      (6)   Loading Facilities. Loading sites and facilities shall be located and designed to maximize efficient loading and minimize interference with other uses of the site, of surrounding sites, and the public right-of-way.
         A.   Loading facilities for receipt or shipping of equipment, material, or waste shall be located on rear or side facades of a building which are neither visible from either a public road nor from an existing or planned residential area.
         B.   Access routes to loading facilities (including curb cuts and drives) and the shape and orientation of the loading area shall be designed to facilitate access and departure, including adequate turning radii, minimum backing motions, sufficient room for loading multiple vehicles, and minimum interference with other site functions such as parking and circulation patterns of other vehicles. Where possible, loading facilities shall be separated from main parking and drive areas, but shall not create additional curb cuts unless approved by the Planning Commission.
         C.   Loading facilities shall be designed to minimize impacts upon existing or planned uses on abutting properties. Greater amounts of buffering shall be required where the frequency or nature of loading is greater than typical. Extension of building walls is encouraged to effectively surround, screen, and buffer loading areas. Where the height of solid screening cannot screen loading areas from view of adjacent tall buildings, additional screening shall be provided with trees.
         D.   Where parking is not provided near the main entrance of a building, space(s) shall be provided for drop off/pickup of a persons with mobility limitations. Special attention to this need shall be given where frequent drop off/pickups are likely, such as medical facilities and restaurants. Such drop off/pickup sites may be located in drives provided that they do not unduly interfere with movement into or out of the site from the road.
         E.   Buildings and uses which involve frequent loading of bulky merchandise by customers (for example, grocery stores or building supply stores), shall provide adequate drive up loading spaces and corrals for the collection of any shopping carts. The location and design of cart corrals shall be as approved by the Planning Commission.
      (7)   Access for Public Safety Services. Site elements shall be designed to provide safe and speedy access for police, fire, and emergency medical service.
      (8)   Drive-Up Facilities. Drive-up facilities shall comply with the following guidelines:
         A.   Drive-up facilities shall be located on that part of a site which is most distant from or most buffered from existing or planned abutting sensitive uses (such as residences or offices) on abutting properties, except where existing uses are non-conforming. Where site conditions necessitate locating a drive-up facility near to a sensitive use, the area between the uses shall be heavily buffered as directed by the Planning Commission. Drive-up facilities shall not be located on the front wall of a building .
         B.   Drive-up facilities, their stacking areas, and routes of access shall be located to not interfere with vehicles or pedestrian movement on the public road or within the site. Stacking areas for drive-up facilities shall not be the sole or primary site egress route. Stacking areas shall not utilize parking or aisles required for access to parking.
         C.   Drive-up facilities which utilize microphones or other audible signals shall be designed to minimize sound impacts upon abutting uses. Hours of operation shall be as approved by the Planning Commission.
   (c)   Landscape Design. 
      (1)   Topography, Grading, Drainage.
         A.   Site design which is sensitive to and works with natural grades of the land in the interest of maintaining a transition between adjacent landforms, minimizing erosion, and maintenance costs shall be encouraged.
         B.   Sites shall be designed to protect natural watercourses and to minimize siltation and erosion.
         C.   Stormwater detention and retention facilities shall, wherever feasible, be creatively integrated into the design of a site to reduce the extent of stormwater facilities and to provide aesthetic value and interest.
      (2)   Planting Areas.
         A.   Landscape plans shall be an integral part of the site design, accenting and taking advantage of natural grades, drainage patterns, views, microclimates and other elements of the site and improvements. Landscape plans shall provide screening and buffering of conflicting uses, identification of site and building entries, and direction of movement through the site, in addition to aesthetic enhancement.
         B.   Landscape plans shall specify a mixture of plant types at various scales and heights, including trees, shrubs, low shrubs, and groundcover. The design and installation of beds for perennials and annual flowers and foliage shall be encouraged.
         C.   Landscaping areas in parking lots shall be designed to include a mixture of trees and shrubs. Planting areas in parking lots and near drives shall be designed to protect plants from damage by vehicles and plowed snow.
         D.   Site and building entrances shall be accented by landscaping.
         E.   Use of native plants and hardy, low maintenance plants appropriate to the local climate shall be encouraged.
         F.   Overgrown, diseased, or damaged landscape material shall be removed and replaced.
         G.   Trees and shrubs shall be required to screen or alter the visual impact of any undifferentiated wall which is longer than 75 feet unless such wall is approved as an unscreened integral element of a building design.
         H.   Whenever an existing non-conforming site or use is subject to site design review, those parts of the site where buffers and screens are required shall be brought into conformance to protect the abutting uses.
         I.   Where existing vegetation is proposed to be retained as a “natural buffer”, the nature and condition of the existing vegetation shall be shown to be acceptable to the satisfaction of the Planning Commission in terms of hardiness and ability to buffer through all seasons of the year. Supplementing natural buffers with additional landscaping plants, fences, and walls may be required.
      (3)   Utilities and Lighting.
         A.   Site lighting shall be designed to provide illumination for specific uses on the site and shall not generate excessive glare or spillover onto abutting properties. Lighting shall be used to promote safe circulation by vehicles and pedestrians, security of persons and property, accenting of landscaping and building features. Use of lighting for advertising or attention-getting purposes shall be prohibited, except where permitted in signs.
         B.   All outdoor lighting fixtures shall be cutoff fixtures or of other shielded design which directs the light to the area intended to be lighted.
         C.   All on-site electric and communication utilities shall be installed underground.
      (4)   Signs.
         A.   Signs shall be compatible in materials, color, scale, location, and orientation with the site and buildings.
         B.   Freestanding signs shall be mounted on foundations clad in materials consistent with the main materials of the building.
         C.   Signs shall be located to protect sight lines for the safety of vehicles and pedestrians.
         D.   Signs shall comply with all provisions of the sign ordinance.
      (5)   Waste Storage.  
         A.   Waste storage areas shall be designed to:
            1.   Provide sufficient space and containers to safely and completely store, protect, and manage the types and volumes of wastes expected to be generated by the uses of the property;
            2.   Minimize noise, odor, and visual impacts on abutting properties;
            3.   Maximize efficient storage and removal of the wastes.
         B.   Waste storage areas shall be screened to conceal waste and waste containers from the view from abutting lots. Screening of waste areas shall consist of walls, low-maintenance fences, earth mounds, landscaping or a combination of such elements, designed to be consistent with and complementary to the design of other elements of the site.
         C.   When a use is proposed which may generate unusual types or quantities of waste, the Planning Commission may require the applicant to provide information sufficient to determine that the proposed waste storage facilities will comply with these guidelines and other applicable laws and regulations.
            (Ord. 2004-013. Passed 3-22-04.)