(a)   Upon any lot legally established prior to the adoption of this Code, and as it may be amended, the establishment of uses and the construction of structures conforming to the provisions of this Code shall be permitted, provided that any nonconforming lot in a residential district shall have a width at the front setback line of at least fifty (50) feet and an area of at least five thousand (5000) square feet.
   (b)   When a nonconforming lot can be used in conformity with all provisions of this Code applicable to the intended use, except that the lot is smaller than required for the district, then the lot may be used as proposed just as if it were conforming. However, no use which requires a greater lot size than the established minimum lot required for the district shall be permitted on a nonconforming lot.
   (c)   Common ownership of recorded lots.  If two or more lots or combinations of lots and portions of lots with continuous frontage in single ownership are of record at the time of the passage or amendment of this Code, and if all or part of the lots do not meet the requirements for lot width and area, the lots involved shall be considered to be an undivided lot for the purpose of this Code, and no portion of such lot shall be used or sold in a manner which diminishes compliance with lot width and area requirements established by this Code, nor shall any division of any lot be made which creates a lot width or area below the requirements stated in this Code.
(Ord. 2000-143. Passed 6-26-00.)