Every structure shall be designed, arranged and situated on the site and in relationship to adjacent uses, every use of land or structure shall be conducted, and every lot and every structure shall be maintained, in such a manner that:
   (a)   The structure or land will not create a nuisance upon the premises;
   (b)   The structure or land will avoid detrimental or blighting influences upon the neighborhood;
   (c)   The structure or land will not, by means of noise, toxic gases, fumes, vapors, odors, radiation, light, heat, fire exposure, hazard, vibration or electrical interference, or by other means, unreasonably interfere with or impair the use or enjoyment of neighboring premises, including fluctuation in line voltage;
   (d)   No lighting shall shine directly on or be a nuisance to occupants of adjacent property, nor impair safe movement of vehicles on any road;
   (e)   The structure or land will not be hazardous to the community on account of such things as the danger of fire or explosion, even when conducted under adequate safeguards.
      (Ord. 2014-165. Passed 1-26-15.)