(a)   Appeals of Administrative Actions. The Board of Zoning Appeals shall hear and determine all appeals from any decision or action of the Director of Planning and Zoning and of the Zoning Inspector in the administration or enforcement of this Zoning Code. The Board of Zoning Appeals shall hear and determine all appeals from the refusal of the Director of Planning and Zoning and of the Zoning Inspector, because of anything contained in this Zoning Code, to issue zoning approval. Appeals of administrative actions shall be heard and decided according to the provisions of Section 1139.04.
   (b)   Variances. The Board of Zoning Appeals may grant variances to the provisions of this Zoning Code according to the procedures and standards established in Chapter 1139.
   (c)   Interpretations. The Board, pursuant to receipt of a written request for interpretation and subsequent to issuance of a written interpretation of the same matter by the Director of Planning and Zoning, shall have the power to decide any question involving the interpretation of any provision of this Zoning Code, including determination of the exact location of any district boundary if there is uncertainty with respect thereto.
   (d)   Temporary Permits. The Board may grant temporary permits for buildings and uses that do not conform to the regulations herein prescribed relative to the uses permitted in the District in which they are located. The permissible time period for such uses shall be set by the Board.
(Ord. 2000-143. Passed 6-26-00; Ord. 2003-155. Passed 11-17-03.)