The Director of Planning and Zoning shall administer the provisions of this Code, consistent with the provisions of Chapter 142 of the Code of Ordinances. The Director of Planning and Zoning shall also have the following specific responsibilities and authorities:
   (a)   Supervise the Zoning Inspector(s).
   (b)   Approve temporary uses and structures as provided in Section 1153.05.
   (c)   Provide staff support and professional planning and zoning advice to the Planning Commission, to the Board of Zoning Appeals, to the Mayor, and to City Council.
   (d)   The Director of Planning and Zoning shall have the authority to remove, without notice to the owner, any private sign placed in or upon any public road right-of-way or upon any property of the City of Aurora.
   (e)   Other responsibilities and authorities specifically established in this Code.
      (Ord. 2000-143. Passed 6-26-00.)