In all major subdivisions:
(a) Water System. In any area of the City in which the Master Plan or other subsequent plan of the City proposes extension of the public water system, a water system shall be designed and constructed by the applicant, and a supply provided for each lot in compliance with the Engineering Construction Standards and as follows:
(1) Public supply. Where an adequate public water supply and a main are within one thousand (1,000) feet of the subdivision, a public water system shall be provided for fire protection and a house connection shall be provided for domestic use to serve each lot.
(2) Wells. Where a public main is not within one thousand (1,000) feet of a proposed subdivision, a well shall be provided for each lot. They shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the standards of the Portage County Board of Health.
(3) Water mains. All water mains shall be a minimum of eight (8) inches in size. Water lines shall be larger where required for fire protection. The plans for the complete installation showing size, location, depth, the proposal for flow data and all connections thereto including fire hydrants, shall meet any requirements imposed by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency and the City, 1999 Portage County Water Distribution System Study for the Cities of Aurora and Streetsboro or subsequent adopted study.
(4) Water lateral and meter for each dwelling unit. The applicant shall install a lateral connection to each lot so that each dwelling unit shall have its own water lateral with its own meter. Connections and meters shall be installed as provided in the Engineering Construction Standards.
(5) Cul-de-sac. Water lines serving cul-de-sacs that exceed three hundred (300) feet in length measured from the road centerline to the center point of the loop of the cul-de-sac shall be looped back into the water distribution system.
(6) Fire hydrants.
A. Fire hydrants shall be of the City's standard specifications with two, two and one-half inch hose nozzles and one, four-inch pumping nozzle shall be provided by the applicant in all subdivisions with public water supplies. The type of hydrant, control valves and the location of the hydrant shall be approved by the Director of Engineering, Utilities, and Inspection.
B. The hydrants shall be located between property lines and curb and gutter or edge of street.
C. Fire hydrants shall be spaced at intervals not to exceed a radius of three hundred (300) feet and a fire hydrant shall be installed at the end of all noncontinuous water mains. A fire hydrant or flushing assembly shall be installed at the end of all dead-end roads for the purpose of periodically flushing the water mains.
D. Air release valves shall be provided where existing topography dictates high points in the water system for periodic release of air built up by cavitation.
(b) Sanitary Sewers, On-Site Systems. In any area of the City in which the Master Plan or other subsequent plan of the City proposes extension of the public sanitary sewer system, sanitary facilities shall be designed and constructed by the applicant for the proper disposal of wastes for each lot, as follows:
(1) Public system. Where sanitary sewers and a sewer outlet are accessible within 1,500 feet of the proposed subdivision, a public sanitary sewer system and a house connection shall be provided for each lot.
(2) Septic tanks. Where sanitary sewers and a sewer outlet are not accessible within 1,500 feet of the proposed subdivision and where an independent system is not provided, individual septic tanks for each lot may be installed if approved by the Portage County Board of Health. In addition, the City may require the construction of sanitary sewers and laterals for house connections, all of which are to be capped, if the construction of a trunk sewer is planned or programmed for the area.
(3) Pretreatment of all industrial waste. Pretreatment must be as prescribed by the City and will require approval by the City for discharge of the effluent into the City sanitary system.
(4) If effluent is discharged into any public watercourse, approval must be obtained from the Ohio Department of Health and the Environmental Protection Agency.
(5) Sanitary lateral for each dwelling unit. The applicant shall install a lateral connection to each lot so that Each dwelling unit shall have its own lateral connection to the sanitary sewer. Connections shall be installed as provide in the Engineering Construction Standards.
(c) Communication and Power Lines.
(1) Underground Communication and Power Lines Required.
A. Provide utility easements twelve (12) feet in width for communication, electric power and street lighting distribution lines. Facilities shall be provided on all front lot lines and along certain side or rear lot lines where necessary.
B. Prior to receiving final plat approval, the applicant shall have installed or shall have submitted to the City a letter signed by an authorized person from the utility company indicating that an adequate performance bond has been posted for the ultimate installation of the following in accordance with the requirements of the "American National Standard, National Electrical Safety Code."
1. Underground communication cables shall be installed in separate trenches from the utility trenches and the communication cable installation will be the responsibility of the cable television company under its franchise agreement.
2. Underground distribution cables for power and street lighting from a common distribution system and the equipment and housing necessary in the operation of the distribution system; and
3. Adequate provision for street light lamps and standards in accordance with a design approved by City.
C. In a new subdivision of five or more lots, all communication, electric power and street lighting wires, conduits or cables to serve lots in such subdivision shall be constructed underground and upon easements outside the road right of way provided for utilities, except that those wires, conduits or cables owned by or serving individual customers and located wholly on the customer's property need not be located on easements. Crossing over roads, where required, must be located between intersections, not at intersections. The applicant shall bear the increase in costs, if any, over the normal mode of construction of communication or electric lines and facilities, in accordance with the rules and regulations of the telephone or electric company involved.
D. All underground communication, electric power and street lighting wires, conduits or cables shall be constructed in accordance with the standards required in the "American National Standard, National Electrical Safety Code". The plans shall be approved by the City.
(d) Street Lighting.
(1) The applicant shall be responsible for installing street lights as required by these Regulations and as approved in the improvement plans.
(2) Street light poles and fixtures shall be those specified in the Engineering Construction Standards or similar poles and fixtures approved by the City.
(3) Street lights shall be spaced as specified in the Engineering Construction Standards and as approved in the subdivision Lighting Plan. Street lights shall be required at intersections, cul-de-sacs, and along streets with spacing as required in the Engineering Construction Standards.
(4) Pedestrian-scale lighting within the public right-of-way may be approved by the Planning Commission and City Council.
(e) Gas Lines. Gas lines shall be installed in the planting strip (tree lawn) with minimum of thirty inches cover.
(Ord. 2013-130. Passed 1-27-14.)