The following procedures shall be followed for a preliminary plat for a major subdivision:
   (a)   Application Submittal. A applicant desiring to create a major subdivision shall prepare and submit to the Planning and Zoning Director a preliminary plat application which includes all information required by these Regulations. The preliminary plat application shall be submitted at least ten (10) business days prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which it will be considered. The Director may determine that the application is incomplete and the application will not be submitted to the Commission.
   (b)   Timely Submittals by Applicant. In all phases of application, review, and action regarding a subdivision plat, the applicant shall be responsible for timely submittal of information or exhibits requested by the Commission and City Staff pursuant to the times for submittal set forth herein including modifications or amendment of a plat in order to permit thorough and timely review action.
   (c)   Acceptance for Study. Upon receipt of a preliminary plat application, the Planning and Zoning Director shall determine if the application complies with all application requirements. If it does comply, the application shall be placed on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting.
      If the application does not comply, the Planning and Zoning Director shall inform the applicant in writing of the reasons for non-compliance and shall deny acceptance for study. The date of acceptance for study shall be the date of the Planning Commission meeting when the preliminary plat first appears on the agenda and is accepted for study by the Planning Commission.
   (d)   Review by City Staff, Committees and Agencies. At the time of official filing and acceptance for study, the Planning and Zoning Director to shall distribute the preliminary plat application for review. Distribution may include, but not be limited to:
      (1)   City officials, including the Director of Engineering, Utilities, and Inspection, Service Director, Fire Chief, Police Chief.
      (2)   The Chairpersons of the Committees of Council, Commissions, and Boards.
      (3)   If the plat proposes subdivision without municipal sanitary sewers and/or water mains, the Portage County Board of Health.
      (4)   Such other persons or organizations as the Planning and Zoning Director deems to have authority or relevant information.
   (e)   Planning Commission Review and Action. The Commission shall, within one hundred twenty (120) days after the meeting at which the preliminary plat application is officially filed and accepted for study, approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the preliminary plat. If the Commission disapproves the plat, it shall state the reasons for disapproval for the record.
      If the Planning Commission does not act to approve the preliminary plat within 120 days of the date the preliminary plat was accepted for study, the preliminary plat shall be disapproved without further action on the part of the Planning Commission and without further notice to the applicant.
      Notwithstanding the above, the Planning Commission may extend the 120 day deadline in the event the applicant requests an extension in writing before the 120 day deadline has passed, and demonstrates good cause as the justification for the extension.
   (f)   Effect of Approval. Approval of a preliminary plat shall not constitute approval of a final plat, shall not authorize recording of the plat, and shall not authorize any clearing or construction on the property, but shall be only an expression of approval of the preliminary plat as a guide for preparation of the final plat.
Preliminary plat approval shall be effective for twelve (12) months after which time the approval shall lapse. Upon written request from the applicant, the Planning Commission may grant extensions of preliminary plat approval of up to twelve (12) months each.  Changes to these regulations shall be sufficient reason for Planning Commission to not grant extensions for a particular preliminary plat approval.
      (Ord. 2004-013. Passed 3-22-04.)