Pursuant to the statutes of the State of Nebraska, including Neb. RS 18-1917, no person shall engage in or work at the business of master plumber or journeyman plumber in the city until licensed as a master plumber or journeyman plumber. Application for licensing shall be made in writing to the City Clerk- Treasurer, showing the name and residence of the applicant, the business location of the applicant and other information as the Clerk-Treasurer may require. Before laying out and installing electrical wiring, apparatus and equipment for major electrical home equipment on the load side of the main service, an electrical installer’s license (or higher) must also be obtained from the State Electrical Board and the inspection requirements met pursuant to § 113.02 of this code of ordinances.
(1998 Code, § 10-301)
Pursuant to the statutes of the State of Nebraska, including Neb. RS 17-121, 17-123 and 17-145, each plumber shall be required to provide the city with a personal surety bond in an amount as set by City Council resolution signed by one or more sufficient sureties, or a bond in that amount from an approved corporate surety, conditioned that the licensee shall indemnify and hold harmless the city from all accidents, damage, liability, claims, judgments, costs or expense caused by any negligence arising from a failure to adequately protect plumbing work, by unfinished, unskilled or inadequate work, or arising out of furnishing defective material; and that the licensee shall adhere to the rules, regulations and requirements of the city. All bonds tendered by the applicant for a license shall be approved as to form and substance by the City Attorney before being signed by the Mayor.
(1998 Code, § 10-302)
(A) In accordance with the statutes of the State of Nebraska, including Neb. RS 17-145, application for a license and examination of a master plumber shall be made in writing at the office of the City Clerk-Treasurer on forms furnished which shall show the name and residence of the applicant, the business location of the applicant and any other information as may be required by the Clerk-Treasurer. The applicant shall pay an examination fee in an amount set by City Council resolution which shall be non-refundable in the event that the applicant is denied the license.
(B) A master plumber’s license shall not be issued unless the applicant shall have first successfully passed an examination, paid an initial license fee as set by City Council resolution, and has posted the bond required. The applicant shall satisfy the Sewer Commissioner by a written examination that the applicant possesses the qualifications and fitness to install plumbing, and if the Commissioner is satisfied that the applicant possesses the necessary qualifications, the Commissioner shall recommend the issuance of a license to the Mayor and Council. The license shall thereafter be renewed annually upon payment of a license fee in an amount set by City Council resolution and the continuance of the required bond.
(C) A license may be issued to a journeyman plumber upon application made in writing by the master plumber under whose supervision the journeyman plumber will be working, at the office of the City Clerk-Treasurer on forms furnished by the City Clerk-Treasurer which shall show the name and residence of the journeyman plumber, and the name and address of the master plumber under whose supervision the journeyman plumber will be working. A license shall be issued upon payment of an annual fee as set by City Council resolution, and the license shall be reissued each year so long as the applicant remains under the direct supervision of the master plumber named in the application.
(1998 Code, § 10-303)
Any firm may be registered hereunder as a master plumber in the name of the firm, provided that the firm shall have a master plumber who is duly registered as provided in this chapter and who is a bona fide officer of the firm or an employee who is regularly employed by the firm and is actually engaged in the planning, superintending and practical installation of plumbing and drainage. The master plumber shall be in actual charge of and responsible for the installation, removal or repair of any plumbing or drainage work done by the firm.
(1998 Code, § 10-304)