§ 110.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter constitutes a civil offense, subject to a maximum civil fine of $150 if uncontested and a minimum civil fine of $300 if contested. Each day a violation occurs shall constitute a separate offense. All past due civil fines are also subject to monthly interest of 1.5%, court costs, and costs associated with collection.
   (B)   Failure or refusal to procure a license pursuant to § 110.16 shall, upon conviction, carry a fine of not less than $25 nor more that $50, plus the cost of prosecution.
(1996 Code, § 9-2.02)
   (C)   Any person, company, or corporation who falls or refuses to procure a license pursuant to § 110.17 after ten days following due date shall, in addition to the license fee and penalty, pay a penalty of not less than $25 per day for each day of operating without a license
(1996 Code, § 9-2.03)
   (D)   Violators of any provisions of § 110.54 shall be fined not less than $300 for each offense, plus any court costs as may be imposed.
(1996 Code, § 9-4.07)
(Ord. 3 Series 1991, passed 11-25-1991)