Cable Television Transmission
110.01 Short title
110.02 Definitions
110.03 Permit required
110.04 Application
110.05 Financial statement
110.06 Indemnification
110.07 Insurance
110.08 Rights of permittee in streets
110.09 Conditions of street occupancy
110.10 Operation of CATV system
110.11 Duty to provide service
110.12 Preliminary requirement to granting permit
110.13 Granting of permit
110.14 Term of permit
110.15 Rate and fee changes
110.16 Supplying service to the city
110.17 Transfer
110.18 Termination
110.19 Violations declared nuisances
110.20 Federal law
Cable Television Rate Regulation
110.35 Definitions
110.36 Purpose; interpretation
110.37 Rate regulations promulgated by FCC
110.38 Filing; additional information; burden of proof
110.39 Proprietary information
110.40 Public notice; initial review of rates
110.41 Tolling order
110.42 Public notice; hearing on basic cable service rates following tolling of 30-day deadline
110.43 Staff or consultant report; written response
110.44 Rate decisions and orders
110.45 Refunds; notice
110.46 Written decisions; public notice
110.47 Rules and regulations
110.48 Failure to give notice
110.49 Additional hearings
110.50 Additional powers
110.51 Failure to comply; remedies
110.52 Conflicting provisions
110.53 Intergovernmental cooperation