The Commission shall grant a CATV permit hereunder to each applicant who makes proper application, establishes its qualifications as herein set forth, furnishes the required insurance and assurances and who establishes that its operations will not impose an unreasonable burden on city streets. No permit granted hereunder shall be exclusive.
(Prior Code, § 2.163)
Each permit granted hereunder shall be for the term of 15 years and shall be renewed automatically for successive additional 15-year period, unless notice is given by the city or the permittee more than 180 days prior to the end of any 15-year period that the said permit shall not be renewed.
(Prior Code, § 2.164)
The permittee shall, at the option of the city, provide free CAT service to buildings owned by the city. Free drop installation to also be included excepting where, due to unusual installation conditions, the cost of such would considerably exceed a usual CATV drop installation. In such case, the excess cost shall be paid by the city. The installation referred to above does not include interior of building CATV distribution systems or TV sets.
(Prior Code, § 2.166)