(A) All overhanging signs shall be not less than eight feet from the level of the ground beneath the lower edge of the sign.
(B) Any illuminated sign or lighting device shall employ only light emitting a light of constant intensity, and no sign shall be illuminated by or contain flashing, intermittent, rotating, or moving light or lights. In no event shall an illuminated sign or lighting device be placed or directed so as to permit the beams and illumination therefrom to be directed or beamed upon a public street, highway, sidewalk, or adjacent premises so as to cause glare or reflection that may constitute a traffic hazard or nuisance.
(C) No sign erected or maintained in the window of a building shall occupy more than 20% of the window surface.
(D) Temporary signs, including political signs, announcing a campaign, civic event, or other occurrence not occurring in a continuous manner shall be permitted subject to the provision of their removal within two weeks of the last day of the campaign, civic event, or other temporary occurrence.
(E) All signs that are posted for the fulfillment of a legal obligation to the public notice, or are erected at the direction of the Village Board of Trustees are not subject to the provisions of this chapter.
(F) All signs shall conform to the setback requirements of the district in which they are placed.
(G) Nameplates or warning signs not to exceed two square feet may be located on residential property. A home occupation sign [also not to exceed two square feet] would be allowed [and limited to one] to name the occupation carried on by the resident of the premises if all the conditions allowing such occupation as specified in §§ 155.180 through 155.185 of this chapter.
(H) Signs erected for the purpose of selling, renting, or leasing any lot or group of lots may be placed on the lot or group of lots for a period of six months and may be allowed to remain an additional six months upon application to and approval by the Village Board of Trustees.
(Ord. 07-O-01, passed - -2007)