Unless the public building is equipped with an adequate sprinkler system or connected with a public fire alarm system, the following appliances must be installed in the locations specified herein (unless other location shall be more accessible and convenient for protection against fires):
(A) Theaters.
(1) Stage: Two one-quart chemical hand extinguishers, one on each side of the stage; one two and one-half gallon chemical hand extinguisher, readily accessible; and five-gallon hand pump; one fire axe;
(2) Foyer: Two one-quart chemical hand extinguishers, one at each end; and
(3) Manager’s office: One two-gallon chemical hand extinguisher or five-gallon hand pump.
(B) Public buildings, auditoriums, lodge halls, and hotels. One five-gallon hand pump and one fire axe at or near the main entrance on the ground floor; five-gallon hand pump at or near the foot of all basement stairways; two pails in boiler room unless oil burner is used, then two and one-half gallon special chemical hand extinguisher just outside boiler room door; one-quart chemical hand extinguisher on stage, and one-quart chemical hand extinguisher in lobby;
(C) Churches. One five-gallon pump at or near main entrance on ground floor; one five-gallon hand pump and fire axe in the boiler room; and
(D) Schools. One five-gallon hand pump and a fire axe at or near the main entrance on the ground floor; the same at the head of main stairway; the same in the boiler room.
(2016 Code, § 21.703) Penalty, see § 150.99