General Provisions
151.001 Supervision
151.002 Construction
151.003 Bond
151.004 Specifications
151.005 Injury to pavements
151.006 Repairs
151.007 Defects
151.008 Obstructions
151.009 Barricades
151.010 Disturbing barricades
151.011 Private use
151.012 Encroachments
151.013 Drains
151.014 Poles and wires
151.015 Gas pumps
151.016 Openings
151.017 Barbed wire fences; electric current fences
151.018 Deposits on streets
151.019 Deposits on sidewalks
151.020 Burning leaves and rubbish
151.021 View at corners
151.022 Erecting structures for private use
151.023 Established grade
151.035 Permit required
151.036 Grade surfaces
151.037 Specifications
151.038 Repair
151.050 Permit required
151.051 Applications
151.052 Issuance
151.053 Barricades and lights
151.054 Manner of excavating
151.055 Sidewalks
151.056 Time limits
151.057 Restoring surface
151.058 Supervision
151.059 Exemptions
Overhanging Signs and Awnings
151.070 Permits
151.071 Constructions
151.072 Height above sidewalk
151.073 Inspections
151.999 Penalty