Any licensed peddler or solicitor who shall commit any fraud, cheating, or misrepresentation, whether through himself or herself, or through an employee, while acting as a peddler or solicitor in the village or who shall barter, sell, or peddle any goods, merchandise, or wares other than those specified in his or her application for a license shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this subchapter, and his or her license may be immediately revoked by the Village President/Mayor or Chief of Police. Any license issued under the provisions of this subchapter may be revoked by the Village President/Mayor or any police officer of the village for any violation of any regulation hereof, and such revocation shall be in addition to any fine imposed in § 113.99, in the event of a revocation, any fee paid to obtain a license shall be forfeited and shall not be refunded. The decision of a police officer of the village to revoke a license may be appealed to the Village Board.
(2016 Code, § 22.026)  (Ord. 14-O-5, passed 6-16-2014)