(A) Any person violating any provision of this chapter for which no specific penalty is prescribed shall be subject to § 10.99 of this code of ordinances.
(B) (1) All persons, firms, or corporations who shall violate § 72.08 of this traffic code shall upon conviction be fined $75 for the first offense, $150 for the second offense, and $1,000 plus an appearance in court for the third offense; and a separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.
(2) In addition to the penalty imposed by division (B)(1) above, any motor vehicle parked in violation of the terms of this traffic code may be towed or hauled away by the Police Department, by any person authorized by a police officer, and the owner of such motor vehicle shall be required to pay the cost and expense of towing, hauling, and storing such motor vehicle before the same may be redeemed by him or her.
(2016 Code, § 13.412)
(C) (1) Any person accused of a violation of a section prohibiting parking a vehicle in a designated area, or restricting the length of time a vehicle may be there parked, or parking in an area prohibited by this traffic code, will pay the village the sum of $5 for the first and second violation and $10 for subsequent violations within 24 hours of the time such alleged offense was committed. Such payment may be made at the Municipal Building and a receipt shall be issued for all money received, and such money shall be promptly turned over to the Village Treasurer to be credited to the Police Fund.
(2) This division (C) shall not apply to persons parking a vehicle so as to obstruct the entrance or exit of any place where Police or Fire Department apparatus or other emergency equipment is kept or housed, or so as to block an emergency entrance in a hospital. Nor shall division (C) apply to any person charged with parking a vehicle so as to entirely obstruct traffic in any street or alley, or parking in such a way as to reduce traffic on an arterial street to one-way traffic only; nor to any person who refuses to move a vehicle illegally parked at the request of any member of the Village Board or Police Department.
(2016 Code, § 13.505)