All permittees under this Building Code, including the property owner and the lessee, where a lessee exists, who are constructing in Shopping Center, Business, Limited Industrial, Townhouse and Apartment Zoning Districts, as provided in the Zoning Code of the township, shall enter into a binding agreement with the township requiring compliance with all township ordinances and, in addition thereto, providing for the following matters.
   (a)   The permittee shall not deposit or allow to be deposited by any other party any dirt or other debris upon any public right-of-way in the township. The construction site shall be kept as clean as possible and the construction shall be performed in such a manner as to provide a minimum of inconvenience to persons using the rights of way and the surrounding area.
   (b)   The permittee shall provide adequate outside lighting so as to prevent vandalism and to ensure the safety of the patrons of the building and the residents of the township. The positioning of the lighting shall be subject to the review of and/or possible correction by the Board of Township Commissioners or its designee.
   (c)   Except where single-family dwellings (any household except a garden apartment or condominium) are built, the permittee or its successor shall be responsible, at his or her own expense, for the removal and disposal of all trash, garbage and rubbish from the premises in water-tight containers provided with tight covers, so controlled as to prevent offensive odors escaping therefrom and refuse being blown, dropped or spilled. Collection and disposal of trash, garbage and rubbish shall be made at least once a week and more frequently when so required by the Board of Health of the township. All trash, garbage and rubbish shall be stored inside the building prior to collection.
   (d)   The permittee or its successor shall remove all snow from his or her premises within 20 hours of the end of a snowfall and shall also comply with all fire and safety regulations and ordinances.
   (e)   The permittee or its successor shall be responsible for and shall cut and trim any grass on his or her premises as necessary and shall be responsible for weed control.
   (f)   The permittee or its successor shall be responsible for rodent control on the premises.
   (g)   All interior traffic lanes shall be properly marked as such, and the installation of all traffic lanes and signs shall be subject to the continuing review of and/or possible correction by the Board of Township Commissioners or its designee. The permittee or his or her successor shall properly maintain all parking and traffic areas. Any changes in traffic flow patterns must be approved by the Board or its designee. The permittee or his or her successor shall immediately remove all graffiti from the premises as soon as it may appear.
   (h)   The permittee or his or her successor shall agree to bear all reasonable engineering expenses incurred by the township for services rendered in connection with this agreement and shall agree to bear all reasonable legal expenses incurred by the township in the preparation of this agreement and the execution of the provisions hereof.
   (I)   The terms of this agreement shall be binding upon the personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns of the parties hereto.
   (j)   The permittee or his or her successor agrees to provide, at his or her own expense, any off-duty professional police officer to direct traffic and improve the traffic flow during peak hours if, in the opinion of the Chief of Police, such traffic represents a hazard to the safety of the residents of the township or motorists or pedestrians in the area of the building. The permittee or his or her successor further agrees to hire off-duty professional police officers to control and eliminate loitering if, in the opinion of the Chief of Police, loitering becomes a problem on the premises.
   (k)   The permittee or his or her successor agrees, at its own cost and expense, to abide by the applicable regulations and reasonable recommendations of the township as provided in or made pursuant to Chapter 1460 of this Building and Housing Code, or of the commonwealth or of any duly designated agent of the township or the commonwealth, with respect to control of any cooking odors or the like which may emanate from the premises. The permittee or his or her successor agrees properly to maintain its odor control equipment, which will be subject, from time to time, to inspection, review and approval by the township or its authorized representative. The permittee or his or her successor further agrees to install and to maintain grease trap installations in a constant state of good repair and to pay any and all expenses in connection with the cleaning of the grease trap or sanitary sewer lines necessitated by the operation of a restaurant on the property.
   (l)   The permittee or his or her successor shall maintain fire lanes, appropriately marked, as directed by the Fire Marshal.
   (m)   The permittee or his or her successor agrees to subject himself or herself to all existing ordinances of the township and agrees that the same shall be incorporated herein by reference, and the permittee or his or her successor agrees that such ordinances shall become a part of this agreement as if they were fully set forth herein.
(Ord. 446, passed 6-15-1977)