(a)   Parking space requirements. For the uses permitted under the Mixed Use Overlay District, the following parking space requirements shall apply.
Table MU.2 Parking Standards
Parking Space Requirements
Current Parking Requirements
Table MU.2 Parking Standards
Parking Space Requirements
Current Parking Requirements
   Multi-family dwelling
1.0 per dwelling unit for 1 bedroom units 1.5 per dwelling unit for 2 bedroom units, plus 1 for every 6 dwelling units for guests in multi-family developments of 16 or more units
1 per dwelling unit for 1 bedroom units 2 per dwelling unit for 2 bedroom units, plus 1 for every 4 dwelling units for guests in multi-family development of 16 or more units
1.5 for every dwelling unit, plus 1 for every 6 dwelling units for guests in townhouse developments of 16 or more units
2 for every dwelling unit, plus 1 for every 4 dwelling units for guests
Retail, Commercial or Other Business
   Banks, credit unions and savings and loans
1 for every 225 sq. ft. of gross floor area (4.5/1,000 sq. ft.)
1 for every 200 square feet of gross floor area (5/1,000 sq. ft.)
   Personal service
1 for every 175 sq. ft. of gross floor area (5.7/1,000 sq. ft.)
1 for every 150 square feet of gross floor area (6.7/1,000 sq. ft.)
   Professional and other offices
1 for every 250 sq. ft. of gross floor area (4/1,000 sq. ft.)
1 for every 200 square feet of gross floor area (5/1,000 sq. ft.)
   Restaurant with banquet facilities or dinner theater
1 for every 175 sq. ft. of gross floor area (5.7/1,000 sq. ft.), plus 1 space for every 2 banquet seats and 2 spaces for every 4 employees on shift of greatest employment
1 for every 150 square feet of gross floor area (6.7/1,000 sq. ft.), plus 1 space for every 2 banquet seats and 2 for every 3 employees on shift of greatest employment
   Retail store or shop
1 for every 250 sq. ft. of gross floor area (4/1,000 sq. ft.)
1 for every 200 square feet of gross floor area (5/1,000 sq. ft.)
   Sit-down restaurant w/o banquet facilities
1 for every 125 sq. ft. of gross floor area (8/1,000 sq. ft.), plus 2 for every 4 employees on shift of greatest employment
1 for every 100 square feet of gross floor area (10/1,000 sq. ft.), plus 2 for every 3 employees on shift of greatest employment
   (b)   All other uses. The parking requirements for other uses shall conform to the underlying zoning requirements.
   (c)   Shared parking. An applicant may provide shared parking for one or more uses or properties under the following conditions.
      (1)   The applicant(s) shall submit a parking study using standards set forth by either the Institute of Traffic Engineers or the Urban Land Institute.
      (2)   The parking study shall include the following:
         A.   The required parking for the individual uses as set forth in the Township Zoning Code;
         B.   The parking demand of the uses over the course of the day including weekend and holidays;
         C.   The proximity of the parking field to the entrances of the various uses;
         D.   A circulation plan for the safe and efficient distribution of vehicles through the site including delivery and special service vehicles;
         E.   A pedestrian plan showing a safe network of pathways and crosswalks for visitors to the site;
         F.   A determination of the minimum number of parking spaces that would be generally required for the safe and efficient operation of the facilities; and
         G.   The parking study shall be prepared by a state professional engineer.
      (3)   The township shall be solely responsible for determining if the proposed shared parking is acceptable.
(Ord. 949, passed 9-21-2016)