Table MU.1 Dimensional Standards
East Overlay
West Overlay
Table MU.1 Dimensional Standards
East Overlay
West Overlay
Bldg. height (maximum)1
45 ft.
55 ft.
Buffer yard - to nonresidential (minimum)
20 ft.
20 ft.
Buffer yards - to residential (minimum)
25 ft.
25 ft.
Distance between buildings (minimum)
24 ft.
24 ft.
Front yard (maximum)
65 ft.2
65 ft.2
Front yard (minimum)
10 ft.2
10 ft.2
Impervious coverage (maximum)
Lot area (minimum)2
1 acre
4 acres
Lot width (minimum)
70 ft.
100 ft.
Rear yard - to nonresidential (minimum)
25 ft.
25 ft.
Rear yard - to single-family residential (minimum)
30 ft.
30 ft.
Residential density (maximum)
15 D.U./acre
18 D.U./acre
Side yard (minimum)
12 ft.
12 ft.
Side yard (street corner)(maximum)
65 ft.
65 ft.
Side yard (street corner)(minimum)
10 ft.
10 ft.
Side yard - to single-family residential (minimum)
30 ft.
30 ft.
Street frontage
70 ft.
100 ft.
Surface parking setbacks - to front yard (minimum)
10 ft.
10 ft.
Surface parking setbacks - to nonresidential (minimum)
10 ft.
10 ft.
Surface parking setbacks - to residential (minimum)
20 ft.
20 ft.
1   When a building is located within 50 ft. of a lot with a single-family residential use, the height of the building shall be limited to a maximum of 35 ft. in both the East and West Overlay Districts.
   When there is more than one building on a lot, this requirement shall not apply if one or more building(s) frontage comprise at least 50% of the lot’s primary roadway frontage and is located between the minimum and maximum front yard setbacks and side yard setbacks of the abutting street.
2   For uses identified in § 1297.03(f)(29), (f)(30), (f)(31), (f)(32), (f)(33) and (f)(34) a minimum of 10 acres is required
(Ord. 949, passed 9-21-2016)