§ 1297.01 INTENT.
   It is the specific intent of this chapter:
   (a)   To allow property owners in the overlay district the option of developing/redeveloping properties according to the underlying zoning or according to the MU Mixed Use Overlay Zoning;
   (b)   To provide additional and new opportunities for development and redevelopment in the overlay zoning districts;
   (c)   To accommodate higher density housing options for a range of housing needs;
   (d)   To enhance pedestrian and vehicular safety through the provision of sidewalks, lighting, shared parking and consolidation of driveways;
   (e)   To enhance the streetscape, architectural design and aesthetics in the MU Mixed Use Overlay Zoning District;
   (f)   To incentivize lot assembly and consolidation toward the more efficient and cost-effective use of land; and
   (g)   To allow for shared parking, reduced parking requirements and to encourage cross access easements between abutting properties for the purpose of mitigating motor vehicle traffic and congestion.
(Ord. 949, passed 9-21-2016)