Adult day care centers shall be permitted as a special exception in the R-1, R2, R-3 and SC Shopping Center Districts.
   (a)   There shall be a distance of at least 750 feet between adult day care centers (ADCs) in the R-1 Residential District.
   (b)   Each ADC shall contain not less than 50 square feet of indoor floor area.
   (c)   Parking shall be in accordance with Chapter 1284.
   (d)   There shall be an area designated for the discharge and pick up of clients which shall be free of hazards and which shall not interfere with street traffic.
   (e)   There shall be a planted buffer not less than five feet high along rear and side property lines adjacent to a residential district.
   (f)   Any alterations or additions to the exterior of an ADC shall be compatible with the existing structures and in keeping with the character of the neighborhood. Upon the closing of the facility, all safety required modifications shall be removed.
   (g)   Each facility shall be licensed and approved in accordance with the State Public Welfare Code and shall comply with the applicable regulations of the State Department of Public Welfare and with those of any other applicable agency.
(Ord. 896, passed 12-21-2011)