(a)   Two or more nonresidential uses may provide for required parking in a common parking area provided such area is on or adjacent to such uses. The number of spaces required in such a common parking area may be reduced below the sum of the total requirements if it can be demonstrated to the Code Enforcement Officer that the hours or days of peak parking demand for the uses are so different that a lower overall total of parking spaces will adequately provide for the uses to be served. In such case sufficient parking shall be provided to meet the minimum needs of the use which requires the greater parking area.
   (b)   Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent collective provision of off-street parking facilities for two or more nonresidential buildings or uses, provided that the total of such off-street parking facilities provided collectively shall be not less than the sum of requirements for the various uses compiled separately.
   (c)   (1)   Uses within the Institutional District (Chapter 1279) may satisfy parking requirements by adding parking spaces to other nearby institutional uses, so long as no net decrease in parking results.
      (2)   The applicant must evidence compliance with this provision by submitting a site plan that shows:
         A.   The parking requirements of the proposed use;
         B.   The parking provided on-site of the proposed use; and
         C.   The specific location at a nearby institutional use where the remaining required parking will be located.
(Ord. 896, passed 12-21-2011)