(a)   Purpose. It is the purpose of this section to provide regulations for the number, size and calculations associated with signage in major sports complexes.
   (b)   Location. Major sports complexes are permitted in the Limited Industrial (LI) and Institutional (ID) District, only.
   (c)   Sign types. The following signs types shall be permitted in a major sports complex:
      (1)   Freestanding signs;
      (2)   Ground signs;
      (3)   Wall signs;
      (4)   Fence signs (outdoor complex);
      (5)   Awning or canopy signs;
      (6)   Projecting signs;
      (7)   Window signs;
      (8)   Neon signs;
      (9)   Freestanding digital signs;
      (10)   Banners and portable signs; and
      (11)   Windsail signs.
   (d)   Maximum square footage. The maximum square footage for total signage shall apply to freestanding signs, freestanding digital signs, wall signs, fence signs, awning or canopy signs, projecting signs, window signs, neon signs and permanent banner, windsails or portable signs.
   (e)   Size; 25,000 to 50,000 square feet. Each owner occupant of a major sports complex occupying a minimum of 25,000 and up to 50,000 square feet or less of floor space shall be permitted 0.75% or a maximum of 375 square feet of signage.
      (1)   Individual wall (including projecting signs) and fence signs shall not exceed 75 square feet.
      (2)   There is no limit on the number of wall and fence signs.
      (3)   No such sign shall be illuminated except by lighting, concealed or indirect, attached to the sign itself.
   (f)   Size; 50,000 to 100,000 square feet. Each owner occupant of a major sports complex occupying in excess of 50,000 and up to 100,000 square feet or less of floor space shall be permitted 1.50% or a maximum of 1,500 square feet of signage.
      (1)   Individual wall (including projecting signs) and fence signs shall not exceed 150 square feet.
      (2)   There is no limit on the number of wall and fence signs.
      (3)   No such sign shall be illuminated except by lighting, concealed or indirect, attached to the sign itself.
   (g)   Size; 100,000 to 150,000 square feet. Each owner occupant of a major sports complex occupying in excess of 100,000 square feet and up to 150,000 square feet or less of floor space shall be permitted 2.25% or a maximum of 3,375 square feet of signage.
      (1)   Individual wall (including projecting signs) and fence signs shall not exceed 225 square feet.
      (2)   There is no limit on the number of wall and fence signs.
      (3)   No such sign shall be illuminated except by lighting, concealed or indirect, attached to the sign itself.
   (h)   Size; 150,000 to 200,000 square feet. Each owner occupant of a major sports complex occupying in excess of 150,000 and up to 200,000 square feet or more of floor space shall be permitted 3.0% or a maximum of 6,000 square feet of signage.
      (1)   Individual wall (including projecting signs) and fence signs shall not exceed 300 square feet.
      (2)   There is no limit on the number of wall and fence signs.
      (3)   No such sign shall be illuminated except by lighting, concealed or indirect, attached to the sign itself.
   (i)   Freestanding signs. Individual freestanding signs (including freestanding digital signs) shall not exceed 48 square feet.
   (j)   Ground signs. Individual ground signs shall not exceed 45 square feet.
   (k)   Awning or canopy. Individual awning or canopy signs are permitted. The bottom of the awning or canopy shall be a minimum of eight feet above the ground surface when projecting over a private or public walkway. Awnings/canopies shall project no more than five feet into a public right-of-way and shall project no closer than two feet from the face of the curb line. Awning and canopy signs are subject to the limitations contained in this section, with the exception that lettering on all faces or sides of the awning shall be considered as one sign.
   (l)   Square footage. The maximum square footage for all window signs, including neon signs may not exceed 35% of the total window space for individual lobby entrances.
   (m)   Banners, windsail signs and portable signs. Banners, windsail signs and portable signs are considered temporary if they are used for special events or during a team’s season and shall not be included in the maximum total signage allowed. However, banners, windsails or portable signs shall be considered permanent if they are used year round and/or if used as wall signs to identify teams that use the major sports complex as their home sporting venue. These permanent signs shall be included in the total maximum signage permitted. The overall size of banners shall not exceed the size of wall signs.
   (n)   Occupants responsibilities. The owner occupants of a major sports complex shall be responsible for allocating the permitted size for all businesses operating within the major sports complex, including, but not limited to, the business name (including logo), ownership sponsors, tenants and sports teams and the like.
   (o)   Signage identifying the name of the major sports complex. Signage identifying the name of the major sports complex may include the name of a paid sponsor as long as it does not exceed the individual sign standards permitted in the chapter and is not interpreted as off-site advertising.
(Ord. 957, passed 12-21-2016)