(a) Signs which are nonconforming and signs which identify and advertise nonconforming uses shall be permitted in accordance with the following regulations, except as otherwise provided in this Zoning Code.
(1) A sign which is nonconforming at the effective date of this Zoning Code may be continued although such sign does not conform to the provisions of this chapter.
(2) A nonconforming sign may be changed to or replaced by another nonconforming sign, when authorized as a special exception by the Zoning Hearing Board. Whenever a nonconforming sign has been changed to a more restricted nonconforming sign, such sign shall not thereafter be changed to a less restricted nonconforming sign.
(3) No nonconforming sign which has been dismantled, damaged or otherwise destroyed to the extent of more than 75% of its value shall be repaired or rebuilt except as a conforming sign, except when authorized to be repaired or rebuilt as a nonconforming sign as a special exception by the Zoning Hearing Board.
(4) If a nonconforming use of a building ceases or is discontinued for a continuous period of one year or more and such nonconforming use is deemed to be abandoned by virtue of the applicable provisions of other ordinances and regulations of the township, any nonconforming sign on the premises shall also be considered abandoned and any subsequent signs erected or maintained on the premises shall be in conformity with the provisions of this chapter.
(b) The following types of signs advertising nonconforming uses on conforming lots, or conforming uses on nonconforming lots, or nonconforming uses on nonconforming lots shall be permitted provided that:
(1) Not more than one freestanding sign designating the name and address of the building or combination of buildings on the premises held in single and separate ownership and identifying the occupants of said building or combination of buildings shall be erected provided that:
A. No such freestanding sign shall be more than 15 feet in height above the grade of the centerline of the nearest public street;
B. The size of such sign shall not exceed 25 square feet; and
C. No such sign shall be illuminated except by lighting, concealed and indirect, attached to the sign itself.
(2) Each occupant in the building or combination of buildings on the premises with a direct public entrance from a parking lot or street shall be permitted one sign provided that:
A. The sign shall be a wall sign;
B. The size of such sign shall not exceed 25 square feet; and
C. Illumination as per subsection (b)(1)C. above.
(3) All occupants in the building or combination of buildings on the premises with no direct entrance from a parking lot or street shall be permitted one sign which shall identify all such occupants and tenants, provided that:
A. Such sign shall be a wall sign and shall be located in the immediate vicinity of the public entrance of the building or combination of buildings;
B. The size of such sign shall not exceed 25 square feet; and
C. Illumination as per subsection (b)(1)C. above.
(Ord. 896, passed 12-21-2011)