The following accessory uses shall be permitted:
   (a)   Storage within a completely enclosed structure in conjunction with a permitted use;
   (b)   Outdoor storage, provided the area used for such storage is located in the rear yard and is completely screened from adjoining properties by a solid fence or wall not less than six feet in height. No materials shall be stored in a manner to project above the fence or wall with the exception of vehicles and mechanical equipment;
   (c)   A dining hall or similar facility for the exclusive use of the occupants and employees of the building;
   (d)   Recreation area for employees;
   (e)   Living quarters for watchmen or caretakers;
   (f)   Parking, subject to Chapter 1284;
   (g)   Signs, subject to Chapter 1282;
   (h)   Satellite antenna, subject to § 1292.15; and
   (i)   Any accessory use on the same lot with and customarily incidental to any of the above permitted uses and not detrimental to the area.
(Ord. 896, passed 12-21-2011)