(a)   Cross access easements shall be provided for all properties developed under the MU Zoning District.
   (b)   (1)   Cross access provides for vehicle access between abutting lots so that drivers can directly access the adjoining lot(s) without re-entering the access road. The applicant(s) shall enter into a cross access easement(s) with adjoining properties that front on the same access road.
      (2)   The access agreement shall contain, at a minimum, the following provisions:
         A.   Documentary evidence identifying location(s) of permanent cross access easement(s) for the sites;
         B.   A safety and security plan that addresses provisions for maintenance, lighting and snow removal of the cross access easement(s);
         C.   Provisions that the easement(s) will not be blocked off or used as parking; and
         D.   Provisions for a time frame for the property owner to comply with the construction of cross access easement(s).
   (c)   The area of the shared driveway (but not the surrounding parking area) of cross access (shared driveway) easement(s), shall be exempted from impervious coverage limitations. If only one lot is being developed, a cross access easement to an abutting lot or lots shall be offered and recorded on the plan for the lot being developed.
   (d)   Driveway and pedestrian connections between nonresidential parking areas shall be exempted from impervious coverage limitations.
   (e)   Parking space requirements for the lot shall be reduced by the number of spaces removed due to the easement(s), but in no case shall this be more than two parking spaces for lots two acres to four acres in size and no more than six parking spaces for lots greater than four acres. Similarly, if the easement(s) removes required landscaping area, the landscaping requirement shall be reduced by the area removed due to the easement(s).
(Ord. 951, passed 9-21-2016)