§ 1242.07 PARKING AREA.
   (a)   Parking facilities shall be provided in accordance with the Township Zoning Code, Chapter 1284.
   (b)   The minimum dimensions of stalls and aisles shall be as listed in Table 3, § 1238.05.
   (c)   The maximum grade of parking areas shall not exceed 6%.
   (d)   Parking areas located adjacent to existing or proposed residential areas should be effectively screened to produce visual protection of the residential area. Grading the parking area, raised berms, landscaping, or fencing are satisfactory methods to create such visual protection.
   (e)   No more than 20 parking spaces shall be permitted in a continuous row without being interrupted by landscaping.
   (f)   All dead-end parking areas shall be designed to provide sufficient back-up areas for the end stalls of the parking area.
   (g)   Entrances and exits to and from off-street parking areas shall be located so as to avoid interference with street traffic.
   (h)   Entrances and exit drives crossing the street line shall be spaced at least 200 feet apart. Property owners are encouraged to integrate their circulation with adjacent property owners to provide single egress and ingress points to serve adjacent lots with a one-way directional traffic pattern. Paved areas with easements should be extended to property lines for future extension when desirable.
   (i)   On all corner properties, driveways shall be located a minimum of 60 feet from the centerline of intersecting streets.
   (j)   The width of egress and ingress driveways into the following developments shall be as follows:
      (1)   Industrial parks and planned business campuses.
         A.   A minimum of 18 feet for one-way use only; and
         B.   A minimum of 30 feet for two-way use.
      (2)   Commercial developments and shopping centers.
         A.   A minimum of 12 feet for one-way use only; and
         B.   A minimum of 24 feet for two-way use.
   (k)   Pedestrian crosswalks in parking areas shall not be subject to passage or concentration of surface runoff.
(Ord. 668, passed 10-17-1990)