(a) Street sidewalks and on-site walkways shall be provided for convenient and safe access to all living units from streets, driveways, parking areas or garages and for convenient circulation and access to all project facilities.
(b) A circulation plan for sidewalks and walkways shall be included in the preliminary subdivision and land development plan for any newly proposed developments.
(c) Design standards shall be as follows.
(1) Sidewalks and on-site walkways should be functionally organized and follow the natural path of circulation.
(2) Walking distance from car parking areas to dwelling units should not exceed 100 feet. Any exception to this standard should be reasonably justified by compensating advantages, such as desirable views and site preservation through adaptation to topography.
(3) Walkways shall be wide enough to accommodate two-way traffic. The minimum width shall be four feet.
(4) Sidewalks adjacent to angle parking areas shall be set back so as to prevent car overhang from restricting pedestrian movement along the sidewalk.
(5) Sidewalks shall not exceed 8% grade. Steps or a combination of steps and ramps shall be utilized to maintain the maximum grades, where necessary. Where sidewalk grades exceed 5%, a non-slip surface texture shall be used.
(6) Pedestrian ramps will be required from parking areas to sidewalk ways to ensure adequate circulation in development design to accommodate the handicapped and elderly.
(Ord. 668, passed 10-17-1990)