§ 1236.01 BLOCK DESIGN.
   (a)   Block layout. The lengths, widths and shapes of blocks shall be determined with regard to:
      (1)   Provision of adequate sites for buildings of the type proposed;
      (2)   Requirements for safe and convenient vehicular and pedestrian circulation;
      (3)   Topography and other natural limitations; and
      (4)   Requirements of the Township Zoning Code.
   (b)   Block length. The following standards for block length shall be applied.
      (1)   The longer side of a residential block shall have a minimum length of 500 feet and a maximum of 1,600 feet.
      (2)   In blocks longer than 1,100 feet, special consideration shall be given to accommodate utilities, drainage facilities, pedestrian traffic or fire protection.
   (c)   Block depth. Residential blocks shall be of sufficient depth to accommodate two tiers of lots, except:
      (1)   Where reverse frontage lots are required adjacent to collector and arterial streets; and
      (2)   Where prevented by the size, topographical conditions or any other inherent conditions of the property, in which case, the Township Planning Commission may permit an appropriate variation.
(Ord. 668, passed 10-17-1990)