(a)   The fee for the permit required by § 1020.02 shall be in the amount set forth by the Board of Commissioners in the fee resolution in all cases. In addition, the following charges shall be made:
      (1)   For opening a trench off the paved or traveled portion of a roadway, a fee in the amount set forth by the Board of Commissioners in the fee resolution for the first 50 running feet and a fee in the amount set forth by the Board of Commissioners in the fee resolution for each additional 50 feet or fraction thereof over the first 50 feet;
      (2)   For erecting a pole for the carrying of overhead wires, a fee in the amount set forth by the Board of Commissioners in the fee resolution per pole;
      (3)   For occupying a portion of a street with buildings, dumpsters or other materials, including proper barricades, a fee in the amount set forth by the Board of Commissioners in the fee resolution per month or fraction thereof;
      (4)   For opening an amesite or concrete surfaced street, a fee in the amount set forth by the Board of Commissioners in the fee resolution per square yard for the first five square yards and a fee in the amount set forth by the Board of Commissioners in the fee resolution per square yard over the first five square yards, with a maximum fee of an amount set forth by the Board of Commissioners in the fee resolution;
      (5)   For opening an asphalt surfaced street, a fee in the amount set forth by the Board of Commissioners in the fee resolution per square yard;
      (6)   For tunneling, a fee in the amount set forth by the Board of Commissioners in the fee resolution, after which the surface must be opened and restored and the fee provided herein for the particular type of surface opened shall be paid;
      (7)   For opening a dirt road, a fee in the amount set forth by the Board of Commissioners in the fee resolution per square yard;
      (8)   For boring in a concrete, amesite or oiled macadam surfaced street, a fee in the amount set forth by the Board of Commissioners in the fee resolution for each hole bored; and
      (9)   For depressing a curb, a fee in the amount set forth by the Board of Commissioners in the fee resolution per foot, or fraction thereof, and the curb must be restored to a smooth surface.
   (b)   The application for a permit shall be accompanied by a check for the sum estimated to be needed for the work to be done as provided herein. When work is completed, the opening shall be measured, plus 10%. If the contract goes beyond the limits of work, the township has the right to assess additional permit fees.
(Ord. 618, passed 5-20-1987; Ord. 1016, passed 7-21-2021)