(a)   The Board of Township Commissioners reserves the right to terminate the employment of the Township Manager by a vote of the majority of the Board then voting.
   (b)   Whenever the Manager declines to submit his or her resignation at the request of the Board, he or she shall be removed from office in accordance with the following procedure.
      (1)    The Board shall adopt a preliminary resolution of removal by a majority vote of all members. The resolution shall state the reasons for removal and may suspend the Manager from duty. A copy of the resolution shall be delivered promptly to the Manager. In any event, the Manager shall be paid forthwith any unpaid balance of his or her salary.
      (2)   Within 15 days after a copy of the resolution is delivered to the Manager, he or she may file with the Board a written request for a public hearing. This hearing shall be held at a meeting of the Board not earlier than 20 days, nor later than 30 days, after the request is filed.
      (3)   The Board may adopt the final resolution of removal, which may be made effective immediately, by a majority vote of all members, at any time after 15 days from the time the preliminary resolution was delivered to the Manager, if he or she has not requested a public hearing, or at any time after the public hearing.
      (4)   Whenever the Manager declines to submit his or her resignation following his or her conviction of or plea of guilty or nole contendre to any felony or misdemeanor, then the Board may remove the Manager from office by a simple motion adopted at any public meeting. The motion shall state the effective date of removal and the only obligation of the Board shall be to pay the Manager any unpaid balance of his or her salary to that date.
      (5)   The Board may also suspend the Manager without salary during an investigation, hearing or trial on any civil or criminal charge, for the duration of the proceeding, when suspension would be in the interest of the township. If the Manager is exonerated, he or she will be reinstated to duty and reimbursed for all lost salary. Should the Manager resign while under suspension, the only obligation of the Board shall be to pay the Manager any unpaid balance of his or her salary to the date of suspension.
(Ord. 466, passed 1-18-1978)