§ 220.04 DUTIES.
   (a)   The Township Manager shall be the chief administrative officer of the township.
   (b)   Subject to the approval of, and under the direction of, the Board of Township Commissioners, who shall have the final decision making authority, he or she shall:
      (1)   Be responsible to the Board for carrying out all policies and programs established by the Board;
      (2)   Direct and supervise the administration of all departments, offices and agencies of the township, except as otherwise provided by ordinance, by law or by the direction of the Board;
      (3)   Subject to the approval and direction of the Board, appoint, and when he or she deems it necessary for the good of the township, recommend suspension or removal of, township employees and appointed administrative officers on the basis of merit and civil service principles, except as otherwise provided by law. This subsection (b)(3) shall not apply to the Township Solicitor or the Township Engineer. The Township Manager shall not, in any event, hire new employees, suspend employees, appoint administrative officers or dismiss administrative officers without the approval of the Board;
      (4)   Make such recommendations to the Board concerning policy formulation as he or she deems desirable;
      (5)   Subject to the direction of the Board, prepare and submit the annual budget to the Board, together with such explanatory comment as he or she may deem desirable, and administer the approved budget;
      (6)   Keep the Board and the public informed as to the conduct of township affairs;
      (7)   See that all laws and ordinances are duly enforced;
      (8)   Prepare a recommended agenda and attend all meetings of the Board with the right to take part in discussion but not to vote;
      (9)   Negotiate and sign contracts for the municipality, subject to the approval of the Board; and
      (10)   Perform such other duties as are designated by the Board.
(Ord. 466, passed 1-18-1978)