(a)   A license and/or registration shall be required under this chapter when the proceeds of the sale or sales, after payment of reasonable expenses, inure:
      (1)   Exclusively to the benefit of religious, educational and charitable institutions, societies or organizations, provided that no part of the net earnings of the institutions, societies or organizations inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or person;
      (2)   Exclusively to the benefit of organizations or persons in the armed forces or the Coast Guard of the United States, or in National Guard organizations, reserve officers’ associations or organizations, posts or associations of war veterans, or auxiliary units or societies of such posts or organizations, or such posts, organizations, units or societies organized in the commonwealth and if no part of their net earnings inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or person; or
      (3)   Exclusively to the benefit of organizations or associations created and maintained for the purpose of benefitting employees of any political subdivision of the commonwealth or their dependents or heirs or for the purpose of benefitting the members, or the dependents or heirs of members, of police or paid or volunteer fire departments of any political subdivision of the commonwealth.
   (b)   However, in all cases covered by subsections (a)(1) through (a)(3) above, no license fee shall be charged.
(Ord. 216, passed 6-17-1959)