For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION. Any person, firm, group, partnership, corporation or association whose avowed purpose and object is to benefit, assist, aid and further the following causes:
      (1)   Philanthropy;
      (2)   Assistance to persons who are poor, impoverished, destitute, underprivileged, needy, diseased, injured, crippled, disabled, handicapped or in need of physical or mental rehabilitation;
      (3)   Churches, religious societies or other religious sects, groups or orders espousing spiritual and altruistic motives or conduct;
      (4)   The teaching of patriotism, or promoting relief and assistance to the nation’s war veterans;
      (5)   Beneficial education of the mind or assistance to educational institutions; or
      (6)   The protection, shelter and sustenance of animals.
   CHARITABLE SOLICITATION. Seeking money donations, pledges thereof or anything of value to benefit, assist, aid and further the cause of a charitable organization, either orally or by literature distribution.
   LITERATURE. Books, pamphlets, handbills, tracts, cards, circulars, pictures, films, magazines or any other written or printed material.
(Ord. 637, passed 4-20-1988)