§ 680.02 BLASTING.
   (a)   No person shall blast rock, stone or other materials, or cause the same to be blasted, in the township, without first having obtained a permit for the same from the Board of Township Commissioners.
   (b)   All dynamite shall be kept in a secure and approved manner, but in no case shall more than 50 pounds of dynamite be kept at one time in any one place.
   (c)   Each blast is to be covered with approved blasting mats and heavy timber.
   (d)   No blasting shall be done between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. of the following day.
   (e)   All applicants are required to pay a fee in the amount set forth by the Board of Commissioners in the fee resolution for each and every blast at each particular location or project with a maximum daily charge of an amount set forth by the Board of Commissioners in the fee resolution for each separate location or project. The applicant shall deposit the maximum daily charge in the amount set forth by the Board of Commissioners in the fee resolution upon application and shall be entitled to a refund of that portion thereof, if any, not due to the township under the provisions hereof.
(Ord. 279, passed 8-21-1963)