§ 640.02 MINOR’S CURFEW.
   (a)   No minor under the age of 18 years shall be or remain in or upon any of the streets, parks, public buildings, places of amusement and entertainment or other public places in the township between the hours of 9:30 p.m. and daybreak of the day following, on Sunday through Thursday inclusive, and between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and daybreak of the day following, on Friday and Saturday of each week, unless such minor is accompanied by his or her parent, guardian or other adult person having the care and custody of the minor or unless the minor is upon an emergency errand of legitimate business directed by his or her parent, guardian or other adult having the care and custody of the minor.
   (b)   The police officers of the township, in taking minors into custody under this chapter, shall use their discretion in determining the age of the minor. In doubtful cases, such police officers may require positive proof. Until such proof is furnished, the officers’ judgment shall prevail.
   (c)   The Board of Township Commissioners, when it deems the action necessary, may, by a duly enacted resolution, alter the curfew hours, and may provide that the altered curfew hours will apply only in limited areas of the township. However, no such alteration of the curfew hours shall be effective for a period longer than 30 days.
   (d)   In the following exceptional cases, in addition to those set forth in subsection (a) above, a minor on a township street during the prohibited hours shall not be considered in violation of the provisions of this section:
      (1)   When returning home by a direct route from a school activity, or an activity of a religious or other voluntary association;
      (2)   When the minor’s employment so requires it; and
      (3)   Such other pursuits of the minor similar to those described in subsections (a) and (d)(1) and (d)(2) above.
(Ord. 453, passed 7-20-1977; Ord. 740, passed 10-28-1995)