No person, being the owner, harborer or keeper of, or being in charge or control of, any dog, cat or other small animal within the township, shall cause, suffer or allow such dog, cat or other small animal to soil, defile, defecate on or commit any nuisance on any common thoroughfare, sidewalk, passageway, bypath, play area, park or other place where people congregate or walk, or on any public property whatsoever, or on any private property without the express permission and consent of the owner of said property, without immediately providing for the clean-up of any excrement dropped by such dog, cat or other small animal as prohibited above.
(Ord. 738, passed 5-17-1995)
All costs incurred by either the township or the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to animals in the enforcement of this chapter shall be the obligation of the owner of the animal and shall be immediately payable upon demand by the township. Upon failure to pay the aforesaid costs, the owner shall be liable for said costs pursuant to § 610.99.
(Ord. 666, passed 7-18-1990)
The Township Board of Health has determined that in the best interests of health, safety and public welfare, that the following regulation be enacted immediately along with the posting of the following sign:
“No feeding of ducks and geese due to the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Township of Aston as determined by the Board of Health”
(Res. 2004-119, passed 6-16-2004)
(a) See § 202.99 for general code penalty, if no specific penalty is provided.
(b) In cases involving a violation of any of the provisions of §§ 610.01 through 610.08, it shall be the duty of the police officers and/or the Animal Warden of the township to deliver to the owner of the dog involved a written notice within 48 hours of the violation, either by personally serving the same upon the owner or by mailing the same to the owner at his or her last known address, by registered mail, which notice shall specify the license number of the dog, if any, a general description of the dog and the date, time, place and nature of the violation. Each such owner may, within 48 hours from the time of receipt of such notice, pay at the Township Administration Office, as a penalty for and in full consideration of such violation, an amount set forth by the Board of Commissioners in the fee resolution. When a dog owner receives a second, third and fourth notice thereafter within any 12-month period for any violation, the penalty shall be in the amount set forth by the Board of Commissioners in the fee resolution, respectively. The police officers and Animal Warden may at any time file a complaint rather than issue a notice, but a complaint shall be filed for each violation over four in any 12-month period. Any owner who violates any of the provisions of §§ 610.01 through 610.08 or fails to pay the aforesaid penalty shall be fined in the amount set forth by the Board of Commissioners in the fee resolution, to be collected by the District Justice as like fines and penalties are now, by existing law, collected.
(c) Penalties provided for the violation of § 610.02 shall be in the amount set forth by the Board of Commissioners in the fee resolution.
(d) Whoever violates § 610.08 shall be fined in the amount set forth by the Board of Commissioners in the fee resolution for each offense in addition to the penalty provided in subsection (b) above.
(Ord. 415, passed 7-21-1976; Ord. 544, passed 2-17-1982; Ord. 725, passed 6-15-1994; Ord. 798, passed 3-20-2002)