(a)   If the records of the Board of Health do not disclose any occurrence of rabies in the municipality within a period of 100 days prior to the receipt of the report referred to in § 1868.03, it shall be the duty of the owner of an animal which has bitten or injured a person in the municipality to follow the procedure set forth below.
      (1)   The animal shall be confined by the owner for an observation period of ten days from the date the bite occurred, at the home of the owner, or at some other location selected by him or her, under the supervision of a veterinarian in such a manner as will prevent it from escaping or running at large.
      (2)   Immediately upon being placed in confinement, the animal shall be examined by a veterinarian employed by the owner. A written report of the results of such examination shall be submitted by the owner or the veterinarian, within 24 hours, to the Board of Health.
      (3)   If at any time during the ten-day observation period, the animal develops symptoms indicative of rabies, such fact shall be communicated at once to the Board of Health and the animal shall immediately be removed to a veterinary hospital acceptable to the Board.
      (4)   At the end of the ten-day observation period, the animal shall again be examined by a veterinarian employed by the owner and a written report of the results of such examination shall be submitted by the owner or the veterinarian, within 24 hours, to the Board of Health. If the second report reveals no symptoms indicative of rabies, the animal may then be released from confinement.
      (5)   If at any time after the animal is placed in confinement, it develops rabies, it shall be disposed of in such a manner as the Board of Health directs.
   (b)   If the records of the Board of Health disclose any occurrence of rabies in the municipality within 100 days prior to the receipt of the report referred to in § 1868.03, it shall be the duty of the owner of the animal which has bitten or injured any person in the municipality to follow the procedure set forth below.
      (1)   The animal shall be removed to and confined by the owner in a veterinary hospital acceptable to the Board of Health for an observation period of ten days from the date the bite occurred. The owner or the hospital shall submit the receipt for the animal to the Board upon the same day that it is placed in the hospital.
      (2)   Immediately upon being placed in the hospital, the animal shall be examined by a veterinarian employed by the owner. A written report of the results of such examination shall be submitted by the owner or the veterinarian, within 24 hours, to the Board of Health.
      (3)   If at any time during the ten-day observation period, the animal develops symptoms indicative of rabies, such fact shall be communicated at once to the Board of Health.
      (4)   At the end of the ten-day observation period, the animal shall again be examined by a veterinarian employed by the owner and a written report of the results of such examination shall be submitted by the owner or the veterinarian, within 24 hours, to the Board of Health. If the second report reveals no symptoms indicative of rabies, the owner may obtain from the Board the hospital receipt for the animal and it may then be released from confinement.
      (5)   If at any time after the animal is placed in the hospital, it develops rabies, it shall be disposed of in such a manner as the Board of Health directs.
(Ord. 330, passed 11-15-1967)