§ 1856.01 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   PEST CONTROL OPERATOR. Any person, natural or artificial, who engages, with or without compensation, in the act of controlling or exterminating rats, mice, rodents, insects, vermin, arthropods, weeds or other pests of mankind.
   OCCUPANT. A person who uses or occupies a building structure, whether as owner or tenant. A tenant who uses a part of a building structure shall be deemed the OCCUPANT of that part of which he or she has actual or constructive possession. The owner, agent or other person having custody or control of a building structure shall be deemed the OCCUPANT of the part that is vacant.
   OWNER. Includes the agent operating and managing the building structure as well as the legal owner.
   RODENT HARBORAGE. A place that provides shelter or protection for rodents and favorable conditions for their breeding.
   RODENT-PROOFING. Preventing ingress and egress of rodents. It shall consist of closing, with material impervious to rodent-gnawing, all openings which may be reached by rodents.
(Ord. 476, passed 10-18-1978)